Country Scott # Item Cond Price Qty
#1 Afghanistan ***28 WWF, wild sheep strip of 4 NH $3.00 4
#2 Aitutaki 543-546 Groupers-WWF NH $3.90 5
#3 Aitutaki 623-626 Spotted Reef Crab-WWF NH $7.75 1
#4 Aitutaki 626a Spotted Reef Crab-WWF
sheet of 4
NH $7.75 1
#5 Algeria 872-875 Barbary Apes NH $5.95 2
#6 Angola 1058
strip of 4
Flamingos NH $3.85 2
#7 Anguilla 537-540
perf 13.5
Turtles VLH $19.95 1
#8 Anguilla 537-540 Turtles and WWF emblem NH $29.50 1
#9 Anguilla 537a-540a
perf 12
Turtles NH $39.50 1
#10 Anguilla 968
vertical strip of 4
vertical strip of 4
NH $7.75 1
#11 Armenia 540-543
Capra Aegagrus--WWF
single stamps, not in block of 4
NH $3.70 1
#12 Ascension 483-486 Frigate birds--WWF NH $10.85 2
#13 Ascension 904-907
strip of 4
Resplendent angelfish
arrangement of stamps varies
NH $7.15 1
#14 Australia 2537a Whales
souvenir sheet
NH $6.00 1
#15 Bahamas 829-829C
strip of 4
Kirtland's warbler
watermark inverted, 829d
NH $4.00 4
#16 Barbados 795-798 Yellow Warbler-WWF NH $11.85 1
#17 Barbados 963-966 Piping Plover-WWF NH $2.80 2
#18 Barbados 1102-1105 Queen Angelfish (WWF) NH $4.65 1
#19 Barbados 1105a Queen Triggerfish-WWF
sheet of 8
NH $9.50 1
#20 Belarus 117-120 Beavers
NH $0.90 2
#21 Belarus 354-357 Lynx--WWF NH $2.35 1
#22 Belarus 737-740 Dragonflies--WWF NH $3.10 9
#23 Belgium 1798-1801 Endangered amphibians and reptiles NH $3.85 2
#24 Belize 1177-1180 Wooly Opossum NH $9.25 1
#25 Benin 1086 Snakes-WWF
strip of 4
NH $6.10 1
#26 Bermuda 798-801 Birds NH $3.60 1
#27 Bermuda 1010-1013
strip of 4
1013 has a couple of gum faults otherwise are NH
VLH $4.00 1
#28 Bermuda 1010-1013
strip of 4
strip of 4
NH $6.10 1
#29 Bhutan 413 Golden Langur-WWF NH $0.55 1
#30 Bhutan 416 Golden Langur-WWF NH $2.60 1
#31 Bhutan 1149
strip of 4
Cuon alpinus NH $4.20 1
#32 Bhutan 1398 Birds-WWF
souvenir sheet of 4
NH $2.35 2
#33 Botswana 182-186 Endangered wildlife
otter, serval, bat-eared foxes, pangolins, hyena
NH $45.00 2
#34 Botswana 586 Hyaena--WWF
strip of 4
NH $4.25 2
#35 Brazil 1926-1927 Spider Monkey NH $3.85 1
#36 British Antarctic Territory 192-197 Seals and Penguins
WWF emblem on 192-195
NH $11.00 2
#37 British Indian Ocean Territory 231-234 Starfish NH $7.00 2
#38 Brunei 574 Bulwer's pheasant
strip of 4
NH $2.80 1
#39 Bulgaria 2942-2946 Bats and rodents with WWF emblem
2944 has one corner perf missing
NH $4.50 1
#40 Bulgaria 3398-3401 Flying foxes and bats NH $4.40 1
#41 Bulgaria 3401a Bats, WWF
sheet of 4
NH $5.15 2
#42 Burkina Faso 506-511 Protected animals CTO $2.95 1
#43 Burundi 774 Sitatunga-WWF
block of 4
NH $11.50 1
#44 Cayman Islands 668-671 Grand Cayman Parrot NH $6.60 3
#45 Cayman Islands 902-905
Short finned pilot whales NH $6.10 1
#46 Central African Republic 1547 WWF stamps
sheet of 4
NH $8.00 1
#47 Chad 367-372 Protected animals NH $21.60 2
#48 Christmas Island 270-273 Abbott's boobies NH $6.25 1
#49 Christmas Island 487-488 Christmas Island frigate bird
set of 2 pairs
NH $10.90 1
#50 Cocos Islands 333-334 Crabs
NH $2.35 2
#51 Cocos Islands 341-343 Sharks
341 is horizontal pair
NH $9.25 1
#52 Comoro 833 Coelacanth, WWF
vertical strip of 4
NH $4.50 1
#53 Congo, Peoples Republic 453-458 Endangered animals-WWF NH $27.85 3
#54 Congo, Peoples Republic C367-C370 Crocodiles--WWF NH $9.50 3
#55 Cook Islands 1016-1019 Endangered Bird Species-WWF NH $11.75 2
#56 Croatia 391 Snakes
strip of 4
NH $3.25 1
#57 Cuba 3961-3964
strip of 4
NH $6.85 4
#58 Cuba 4342-4345 Crocodiles
NH $3.10 1
#59 Czechoslovakia 2984 Small mammals
block of 4
NH $2.75 1
#60 Djibouti 795 African warthog-WWF
block of 4
NH $7.10 2
#61 Dominica 827-830 Birds of Dominica NH $22.95 1
#62 Dominica 1650a insects-WWF
sheet of 12
NH $7.80 1
#63 Ethiopia 1303-1306 Walia Ibex--WWF NH $9.40 1
#64 Falkland Islands 817-820 Penguins NH $8.75 2
#65 Falkland Islands 817-820
strip of 4
820a, stamps may be in different order than picture
NH $10.25 4
#66 Falkland Islands 820a
full sheet
full sheet of 4 strips, 820a
NH $39.95 1
#67 Faroe Islands 208-211 Whales NH $6.00 3
#68 Fiji 397-400 Endangered species NH $15.95 1
#69 Fiji 797-800 Monkey faced bat-WWF NH $5.90 2
#70 Fiji 800a Fijian Monkey-faced bat
souvenir sheet
NH $11.95 1
#71 Finland 907 Alopex Lagopus NH $3.15 3
#72 Finland 1519 Endangered species, WWF
ringed seal, damselfly, white breasted goose
NH $6.25 1
#73 Finland-Aland 122-125
block of 4
Eagle Owl NH $2.60 1
#74 Finland-Aland 185 Ducks
block of 4
NH $2.85 2
#75 Finland-Aland 185
complete booklet
NH $6.25 3
#76 France 2895a Sea turtle, Killer Whale, Dolphin, Seal
sheet of 4
NH $4.95 1
#77 Gambia 341-344 Abuko Nature Reserve
wild animals, WWF
NH $38.00 2
#78 Gambia 344a Abuko Nature Preserve
souvenir sheet
NH $64.00 2
#79 Gambia 404-407 Butterflys NH $49.50 1
#80 Gambia 1362-1365 Long tailed Pangolin NH $3.85 1
#81 Gambia 3566 African darters, birds
block of 4
NH $5.80 1
#82 Gambia 3725e Red Colobus Monkey
sheet of 8, with WWF emblem
NH $24.95 1
#83 Ghana 625 Animals NH $13.95 1
#84 Ghana 1677a Diana monkeys, WWF
sheet of 3 sets
NH $18.80 1
#85 Gibraltar 591-594
block of 4
NH $4.95 4
#86 Gibraltar 591-594 Birds
sheet of 16 stamps (4 blocks of 4)
NH $21.00 2
#87 Gibraltar 1037
vertical strip of 4
Giant Devil Ray--WWF
vertical strip of 4, folded on the perfs in center of strip
NH $8.40 8
#88 Great Britain BK195 Wild animals-WWF
complete booklet, Europa stamp on Amazon Alive pane
NH $22.95 1
#89 Great Britain-Alderney 69 Marine Life
strip of 4
NH $3.35 6
#90 Great Britain-Alderney 142-147 Peregrine Falcons--WWF NH $5.00 2
#91 Great Britain-Guernsey 441-444 Marine Life NH $4.20 1
#92 Great Britain-Guernsey 586-589 Butterflies and Moths NH $3.00 1
#93 Great Britain-Jersey 507-510 World Wildlife Fund NH $3.85 1
#94 Great Britain-Jersey 1134-1137 Worldwide Fund for Nature
lizard, lion ant, cricket, warbler
NH $5.60 1
#95 Great Britain-Man 399-402
strip of 4
WWF, 402a
NH $5.75 3
#96 Great Britain-Man 860 Song birds
strip of 4
NH $5.20 2
#97 Grenada 856 Wild Birds of Grenada, Scarlet ibis
souvenir sheet
NH $8.50 2
#98 Grenada 1211-1214 Coral reef fish
WWF emblem
NH $22.50 1
#99 Grenada 3654 Clymene dolphins--WWF
strip of 4
NH $2.95 1
#100 Grenada Grenadines 290-296 Birds NH $14.50 3
#101 Grenada Grenadines 297 Snowy egret--WWF
souvenir sheet
NH $12.95 1
#102 Grenada Grenadines 2294 Fish--WWF
strip of 4
NH $3.25 5
#103 Guyana 3792e Toucans
sheet of 8
NH $7.95 1
#104 Guyana 4490 Giant Armadillo
block of 4 with WWF emblem
NH $11.90 1
#105 Hong Kong 982
see note after
Corals;;booklet cover has WWF emblem
complete booklet
NH $10.00 3
#106 Hungary 2797-2803 Birds of Prey-WWF NH $4.40 1
#107 Iceland 762-765 Falcons NH $8.65 2
#108 Iceland 1222-1225 Birds-WWF NH $6.75 1
#109 Indonesia 1673 Rhinoceros sondaicus
block of 4
NH $1.80 1
#110 Indonesia 1673e Rhinoceros;;sheet of 8
souvenir sheet
NH $5.50 1
#111 Israel 1401-1404
Blandfords Fox
strip of 4 with central label and tabs
NH $2.95 1
#112 Italy 1851-1854 Flora and Fauna
1853-1854 have WWF emblem
NH $2.25 1
#113 Ivory Coast 528-533 African animals-WWF NH $28.00 1
#114 Jamaica 591-594 Jamaican Boas NH $36.00 1
#115 Kazakhstan 171-174 Vormela Peregusna NH $5.60 1
#116 Kenya 89-93 Endangered Species NH $6.20 2
#117 Kenya 93a Endangered animals
souvenir sheet, crocodile, hartebeest, monkey, dugong; birds in margin,
NH $6.85 2
#118 Kenya 491-494 Giraffes-WWF NH $15.95 2
#119 Kiribati 562-565 Manta rays and whale sharks NH $5.20 5
#120 Kiribati 715-718
Spiny Lobster-WWF NH $1.90 2
#121 Kiribati 875-878 Harlequin Shrimp--WWF NH $9.95 1
#122 Korea, North 3580
sheet of 3 + label
NH $4.00 1
#123 Korea, North 4875e Black-faced spoonbill--WWF
sheet of 8 + label;;lighthouse on label
NH $8.00 1
#124 Kyrgyzstan 29-32 Panthera Uncia NH $1.80 1
#125 Kyrgyzstan 123
block of 4
Corsac Fox
NH $5.80 1
#126 Kyrgyzstan 175 Fox block overprinted and surcharged
block of 4
NH $5.35 4
#127 Kyrgyzstan 335-338
block of 4
Saker Falcon--WWF
block of 4
NH $4.25 3
#128 Kyrgyzstan 335-338
Saker falcon NH $4.20 1
#129 Kyrgyzstan 338a Saker Falcon;;WWF
sheet of 16
NH $16.95 1
#130 Kyrgyzstan 464-467
block of 4
NH $8.50 2
#131 Laos 517-520 Panthera Tigers NH $10.90 2
#132 Laos 1722a White handed gibbon--WWF
sheet of 16
NH $90.00 1
#133 Lesotho 228-232 Wild animals-WWF
nice set
NH $43.00 1
#134 Lesotho 228-232 Wild animals-WWF
one short perf on 230 and 232
NH $28.00 1
#135 Lesotho 351-355 Wild Animals NH $21.80 1
#136 Lesotho 351-355 Wild Animals
several missing perfs on 351 and 352 has missing corner perf
NH $14.00 1
#137 Lesotho 356 Black-backed jackal
souvenir sheet
NH $7.95 1
#138 Lesotho 1091 Vultures
strip of 4
NH $3.50 2
#139 Libya 1717a-1720a
imperf strip of 4
Rueppell's fox
1720c imperf strip of 4
NH $26.95 1
#140 Liechtenstein 583-586 World Wildlife Fund NH $3.10 2
#141 Liechtenstein 907-910 World Wildlife Fund
bird, frog, insect, mammal
NH $3.75 1
#142 Lithuania 529-532 Bison Bonasus
World Wildlife Fund
NH $1.55 1
#143 Macedonia 206 Imperial eagle
block of 4
NH $2.60 1
#144 Malaysia 538-541
sheet of 16
Neofelis Nebulosa
complete sheet of 16
NH $16.95 1
#145 Maldives 2839
strip of 4
Little dragonfish NH $3.45 1
#146 Maldives 3022 White Breasted water hen
sheet of 4
NH $9.15 1
#147 Maldives 3552
block of 4
NH $15.00 1
#148 Mauritius 469-472 Endangered species NH $18.50 3
#149 Mauritius 472 Mauritius kestrel
only bird in set
NH $13.95 1
#150 Micronesia 274 Fish
block of 4
NH $6.10 5
#151 Micronesia 848e Mandarinfish--WWF
sheet of 8
NH $6.50 1
#152 Monaco 1778-1781
block of 4
NH $5.50 2
#153 Montserrat 753-756 Dolphins-WWF NH $10.40 1
#154 Namibia 694-697 Mountain Zebras NH $9.95 1
#155 Nauru 443 Fish NH $3.70 1
#156 Nauru 514-517
strip of 4
Fish and anemones-WWF NH $7.65 1
#157 Netherlands 490-492, B475 Set of 4 NH $2.35 2
#158 Netherlands 660 Pandas WWF NH $0.80 4
#159 Nevis 857-860
strip of 4
Black Coral
NH $2.95 3
#160 New Zealand 1023-1026 Tuatara, reptiles NH $2.55 1
#161 New Zealand 1162-1163 Species indigenous to New Zealand
1162-1162C are a block of 4, 1162d
NH $3.80 1
#162 Nicaragua 2067 Wild fowl
vertical strip of 4
NH $9.00 1
#163 Niger 983-986
block of 4
Gazelles with WWF emblem NH $6.10 9
#164 Niger 983-986
Gazelles with WWF emblem
single stamps, not in a block of 4
NH $4.35 2
#165 Niger 986b Gazella dorcas-WWF
souvenir sheet
NH $30.00 9
#166 Niger 1124e Giraffe--WWF
sheet of 8 + 2 labels
NH $18.75 1
#167 Norfolk Island 421
strip of 4
Green Parrots
strip of 4
NH $13.50 2
#168 Oman 459 Arabian Leopard
horizontal strip of 4
NH $3.85 1
#169 Palau 24-27
block of 4
Whales NH $4.95 3
#170 Palau 323 Crocodile
block of 4
NH $2.75 2
#171 Papua New Guinea 697-700 Birdwing butterfly; world wildlife fund NH $12.00 1
#172 Papua New Guinea 1090 Tree Kangaroos
strip of 4 with white frame
NH $6.10 1
#173 Papua New Guinea 1091 Tree Kangaroos
sheet of 2 strips without white frame
NH $10.80 1
#174 Philippines 3369-3372
block of 4
Philippine Crocodile-WWF
NH $3.10 4
#175 Pitcairn Island 647 Terns & Noddies of Pitcairn
strip of 4
NH $6.85 1
#176 Pitcairn Island 647e Terns & Noddies of Pitcairn
souvenir sheet
NH $13.95 1
#177 Poland 2678-2681 Wolves NH $2.85 10
#178 Poland 2678-2681 Wolves
2681 is VVVLH others are NH
VLH $1.80 1
#179 Romania 3954-3957 Fish-WWF NH $1.95 1
#180 Russia 5541-5544 Polar bears
NH $3.65 2
#181 Russia 6178-6181
Tigers NH $1.95 2
#182 Russia 6178-6181
vertical strip of 4
NH $2.35 1
#183 Russia 6178-6181
block of 4
NH $2.35 2
#184 Russia 7046-7048 Worldwide Fund for Nature
oriental stork, snow leopard, bison
NH $1.75 3
#185 Saint Helena 813-816
strip of 4
Sperm Whales
NH $4.10 4
#186 Saint Helena 1035-1038
strip of 4
strip of 4
NH $6.15 3
#187 Saint Kitts 189-192 Green monkeys
NH $23.00 2
#188 Saint Kitts 191 Green monkeys
single from set
NH $9.00 2
#189 Saint Kitts 192 Green monkeys
single from set
NH $9.95 2
#190 Saint Kitts 381-384
Green turtles, WWF NH $3.25 1
#191 Saint Lucia 1132-1135
Birds-WWF NH $3.50 1
#192 Saint Thomas & Prince 1400-1403 Turtles-WWF NH $6.85 1
#193 Saint Thomas & Prince 2998 Stamps with WWF emblem
sheet of 4
NH $8.50 1
#194 Saint Vincent 3529 Great White Shark--WWF
block of 4
NH $2.35 1
#195 Saint Vincent 3529e Great White Shark--WWF
sheet of 8
NH $4.60 1
#196 Saint Vincent Grenadines-Union 254 Sharks--WWF
strip of 4
NH $2.60 1
#197 Salvador, El 1194 Wild Cats-WWF
strip previously folded on perfs in the middle
NH $9.00 1
#198 Samoa 827-830 Bats NH $6.75 2
#199 Samoa 1092 Humphead wrasses
strip of 4, has been folded on the center row of perfs
NH $9.95 1
#200 Samoa 1274 Hawksbill Turtle
sheet of 4
NH $6.10 1
#201 San Marino 1281-1284
strip of 4
NH $2.95 2
#202 Senegal 677-680 Gazelles NH $8.15 1
#203 Senegal 1294-1297 Wild Cats
NH $3.25 3
#204 Seychelles-ZES 106-109 Giant Tortoises;;WWF
stamps are NH, but gum disturbances on 106 & 109
LH $20.00 1
#205 Sierra Leone 586-589 Endangered chimpanzees NH $10.85 2
#206 Sierra Leone 1738 White-necked Picathartes
vertical strip of 4
NH $3.50 2
#207 Sierra Leone 2752 Monkeys
block of 4
NH $2.95 5
#208 Slovakia 434 European wildcat-WWF
sheet of 4
NH $4.60 1
#209 Slovenia 247
vertical strip of 4
Turtles NH $3.25 1
#210 Solomon Islands 1935e
Humpback Grouper-WWF
sheet of 4
NH $10.00 1
#211 Solomon Islands 1935f Humpback Grouper-WWF
sheet of 8 + central label
NH $10.80 1
#212 South Africa C27-C30
block of 4
NH $3.10 1
#213 South Africa C30b
pane of 10
Whales of the Southern Oceans--WWF
complete booklet, with 2 panes of 10 + 2 post cards
NH $22.95 1
#214 South Georgia 162-165 South Georgia Teal Ducks NH $3.80 2
#215 South Georgia 290-293
Gray headed albatrosses
not a strip, 4 single stamps
NH $7.65 1
#216 South Georgia 290-293
sheet of 16
Grey-headed albatross
full sheet of 16
NH $34.95 1
#217 South Georgia 367-370
strip of 4
Chinstrap penguins--WWF
arrangement of stamps may vary from picture
NH $8.60 5
#218 South Georgia 367-370
Chinstrap penguins--WWF
single stamps, not in a strip
NH $8.60 1
#219 South Georgia 370a Chinstrap penguins
souvenir sheet
NH $10.95 1
#220 South Georgia 448 Birds-WWF
strip of 4 no white frame
NH $9.50 5
#221 South Georgia 449 Birds-WWF
souvenir sheet
NH $12.60 2
#222 Sri Lanka 803 Elephants-WWF
strip of 4
NH $43.80 1
#223 Swaziland 405 Fishing Owl w/WWF emblem
strip of 5
NH $79.50 5
#224 Tajikistan 266 Bharals (Blue Sheep)--WWF
block of 4
NH $4.60 1
#225 Tajikistan 344-347
block of 4
Bactrian deer-WWF NH $4.30 3
#226 Tajikistan 347a
Bactrian deer-WWF
imperf sheet of 16
NH $26.50 1
#227 Tonga 915-918 Humpback Whales--WWF NH $12.50 1
#228 Tonga-Tin Can Island 202-205 Blue Crowned Lorikeet NH $11.00 5
#229 Tonga-Tin Can Island 205a Blue Crowned Lorikeet
souvenir sheet
NH $24.95 1
#230 Tonga-Tin Can Island 271-274
horizontal strips of 4
Zebra sharks-WWF
strip of 4
NH $6.25 4
#231 Tristan da Cunha 632-635
Birds NH $2.15 1
#232 Tristan da Cunha 632-635
horizontal strip of 4
Wandering albatross
NH $2.35 2
#233 Turkish Cyprus 328a Sea Turtles
souvenir sheet
NH $10.95 1
#234 Turkmenistan 34-38 Caspian seal
34 is a pair
NH $6.75 3
#235 Turks & Caicos 1247 International Year of the Reef
block of 4
NH $2.40 4
#236 Tuvalu 816 Sand Tiger Shark--WWF
horizontal strip of 4
NH $2.35 1
#237 Tuvalu 816a-816d
Sand tiger sharks-WWF
single stamps, not a strip
NH $2.35 1
#238 Uganda 371
Perf 14
single from set
NH $1.10 1
#239 Uganda 948-951 Elephants;;WWF NH $7.45 1
#240 Uganda 2021 Secretarybird--WWF
horizontal strip of 4
NH $9.25 1
#241 Uganda 2021e Secretarybird-WWF
sheet of 4
NH $9.25 1
#242 Uganda 2021f
Secretary Bird--WWF
sheet of 8 + 2 labels
NH $24.00 1
#243 Uganda 2021f
Secretary Bird--WWF
sheet of 8 + 2 labels
NH $18.95 1
#244 Uganda 2084 World Wildlife
souvenir sheet
NH $4.80 1
#245 Uzbekistan 64-67 Capra falconeri-WWF NH $5.10 1
#246 Vanuatu 470-473 Dugongs-WWF NH $6.45 1
#247 Viet Nam, North 3556a Otters
sheet of 8
NH $2.85 1
#248 Yemen 643 Sand Cat WWF surcharged NH $185.00 1
#249 Zaire 1168-1171 Okapi;;with WWF emblems NH $9.95 1
#250 Zaire 1466 Pan paniscus-WWF
block of 4
NH $15.00 1