Flora & Fauna Stamp Collections

Below are two lists. The Flora column contains a topical list that the Mesa Stamps website maintains that are botanical in nature. The Fauna column contains the lists related to the animal kingdom. Flora and fauna topical stamps are some of the most beautiful stamps ever issued. Colorful and detailed animal, bird, orchid, flower, mushroom, and butterfly stamps, just to name a few, are fun and visually pleasing to collect.

WWF Stamps

WWF stamps (World Wildlife Fund) are also included in the fauna list and is by itself a very popular topical. To be included in the WWF list, the stamps or sheet must have the WWF emblem. Please shop our many varieties of WWF stamps, flower stamps and animal stamps today!

Mesa Stamps has been providing collectors flower stamps and animal stamps for decades. Please browse our stamps and check back regularly as we get new stamps each month. Collect Flora & Fauna stamps today!

Collect Flower & Animal Stamps